Tag Archives: critique

The Gracious Acceptance of Criticism is Part of the Job

As I was thinking about this week’s topic, I was going to be all smug and smarmy and more-mature-than-thou about how much I love criticism and look at it as a chance to learn and improve my skills [0]. Then I got reminded that some critiques really are just petty, nit-picky, bullshit. I try to […]

It Starts with an F

Did I ask for your opinion? No? Then why the hell are you giving it to me? I handle unwanted critiques very poorly. I take them as personal attacks on my person. It doesn’t matter what the critique is about, if I didn’t ask for your opinion, don’t share it with me.  Unless you’re telling […]

The Phases of Critique and Rejection

Disclaimer: all of these statements are based on my own experience. Not everyone will experience all of these phases (although I’m guessing most people will or have experienced at least one or two of them!) The Phases of Critique Too shy to ask. You want desperately for people to read your work and praise it, […]

Can I be wrong?

There’s no doubt that criticism is important. It’s how we improve ourselves. And while it sucks, dealing with rejection is something that everyone will have to deal with at some point. How I respond to these things depends on one very important thing: do I agree with what I’m being told? No one is harder […]