Larry Jenkins

Larry Jenkins is an aspiring Word Pimp. Has laptop, will travel. Let's make this happen, people.

Soul Mate

Dear P, I’ve never written a letter like this. Never really felt the need to, but what we have is special, and I want to put my feelings to paper, regardless of who may see it in the end. They will judge us, but I do not care. The things we have experienced together go […]

Ignoring Thunderdome

I honestly spend very little time thinking about the future of the publishing industry. I find the blank page intimidating enough as it is, and I don’t need additional reasons to feel insecure about what I’m doing. I try to avoid news about who is merging with whom or what Mrs. Megapublisher’s stance is on […]

Life and Limb

My brother Tommy had always been twitchy. He was born wound tight, and growing up in our house hadn’t done the kid any favors. But when Tommy stumbled into Momma’s kitchen that day, pale faced and clutching the crumbled paper bag under one arm, the look in his eyes told me something was seriously wrong […]