Submissions for The Confabulator Cafe

We have two rules and one suggestion for Cafe submissions.

1. Submissions are currently limited to members of the LFK Writers’ Co-op. You can find more information over on our Facebook group. If the submissions open to the general public, we will change this form at a later date. If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line.

2. Use the name that you want to see in the byline of your piece. If you mix up and use the wrong name, we can’t at this time change it to your pen name. We can change it to “Cafe Management” and credit your pen name at the top of the piece. We won’t out your real name, but we’d much rather your pen name be in that byline.

Suggestion: Do not type your story into this form! Write your story in your text editor of choice, and paste it here. We don’t want you to lose any work if there’s an error. We value your work. ♥

Please complete the required fields.