Tag Archives: support

All Creative Types Need My Husband

I come from creative stock. Every side of the family — from the ones I share genetics with and the ones claimed through love — has crafters and artists and a handful of writers. And they’re all supportive. They think its cool that I can make half-an-income writing and raising the child. They look forward […]

Family Ties

Having someone who supports you with your writing is perhaps one of the biggest motivators to keep going, story after story and page after page. A support group does wonders for this, but when the support follows you back home, that makes all the difference. I have been very lucky to find that support at […]

The Boxing Kangaroo and the Professor

There’s an old story that a boxing kangaroo is only good until it gets punched. After that, they don’t want to fight anymore. (Don’t ask me where I heard it. My head is filled with useless trivia like that.) The same thing happened to me. Kind of. All my life, I’ve been lucky. When I […]

A World of Support

I have always been incredibly fortunate when it has come to friends, family, and significant others and my writing. I have never once run into someone who said I couldn’t do it. I’m not sure my family, my Mom especially, ever really understood my drive to write, but they’ve always encouraged me. We’re a family […]