Tag Archives: Seventh Sanctum

The Tower Princess

Prompt: I survived the war between the kingdoms by hiding in a tower.   I was the last to arrive at my own palace when they returned my father’s body from the kingdom to the north, wrapped in a white shroud. Peace. It was a word that held no meaning for me anymore. It was […]

Wayward Witch

I gently placed my hands upon the young man’s broken body, listening to his gurgles and knowing he was well beyond my abilities. Still, I had to try. I delved inside with my power and saw his heartbeat fading, the breath growing short and the light fading from within. Someone in the crowd started sobbing […]

Nicholas Does Science

Nicholas and his fascinating obsession with science.   Their home wasn’t enormous, but it was more spacious than average to afford extra room for books and research. It was also located near the center of the underground town and had belonged to Storykeeper families for generations. “Nicholas, where are you?” Eidald called as he searched […]

Wednesday’s Child

Prompt: It was Wednesday, the day of kindness. The sun dipped low on the horizon and with its descent, Savina could feel the tension settling into her shoulders. In the reddening sky, the smiles on everyone she passed felt sinister. A reminder that the truce of today would not continue through the night. She resisted […]