Tag Archives: Recycled Titles Prompt

To Simplify Sadly

I believe in the fugue.  Even though the fugue is not what I think it is.  But most things aren’t what we think they are.  That might be why they are things, but I digress into philosophy now and I fear to go there.  My thoughts are coming to me, fast but jumbled, the best […]

The Sea and the Sky

“She’s ready for takeoff,” said Germaine, Tony’s flight instructor. He motioned toward the waiting Cessna. “What, already?” Tony’s voice cracked a little. Apparently some of Martha’s fear of flying had rubbed off on him over the years. Germaine laughed at him. “I’ll be right next to you you at the controls. It’s okay to be […]

The Tithe for Broken Dreams

The witches brewed the cauldron of dreams only twice a year—once at each solstice. People came from all over the world to add their spit to the powerful potion in hopes that their dreams would come true by the next solstice. My wealthy father made the pilgrimage every time. He never shared with us what […]

March Stories at the Confabulator Cafe

The Confabulator Cafe has been generating fiction in some capacity or another since its inception in 2012. In that time, the Confabulators have produced over 200 original short stories. We have quite the impressive body of work, if we do say so ourselves. If you ever feel like perusing past work, head on over to […]