Tag Archives: leftovers

The Stork’s Feather

The fortune teller studied the side of my palm. Her slender fingers traced the lines of my calloused hand, turning it this way and that to catch the light. I kept my eyes off of her, concentrating on the colorful tapestries on the wall. I knew what she was looking for. And I already knew […]

The Cow of Cthulhu

On the morning of the unfathomable event, I, Robert Joseph Edgerton III, was awaken from a fitful slumber by a heavy knock upon my bed chamber door. “Bobby Joe,” my mother said. “You’d best get out of that bed and get to breakfast. Those chores ain’t gonna to do themselves.” I wiped a crust of […]

Autumn’s Fall

Flutter shivered as the cold north wind blew a handful of red leaves past her and whipped them out of sight. The Heart Tree had already lost so many of its leaves. It couldn’t have many left. Would she reach it before the last one fell? The gonging of a bell, deep and resonate, announced […]

January Stories at the Confabulator Cafe

Happy New Year, friends! Welcome back to another year of free fiction from us here at the Confabulator Cafe. We’re brainstorming all new prompts and preparing for another awesome year of storytelling to entertain you all. We’re kicking off this year with a 2015 throwback, though. January is going to be what we’re calling a […]