Neil Siemers

Neil Siemers grew up in Derby, Kansas, a comparatively small town south of Wichita. He moved to Lawrence to attend the University of Kansas, and hasn't left since. Neil likes to pretend that he is a big shot full time writer, although it's probably closer to a hobby. Either way, it's funded by a full-time job in the insurance industry, where he happily works as a cog in the machine for The Man so that bills can be paid.

Parchment and Paper

Talven sat at his parents’ dinner table, holding the parchment at arm’s length. Had it really been ten years? It seemed like only yesterday that his older brother received the same letter, advising him that the traditional sojourn into the city had been scheduled for the following weekend. It was something that was expected of […]

Deep Flight – A Tale of Broken Memories

Tenance groaned involuntarily as bright lights flooded his vision once more. His pod door slid open with a smooth hiss of hydraulics, revealing one of the security drones. Again. “There are four critical issues which require your immediate attention,” it said, as the various LED lights in its chest flashed red. “Please make your way […]


It wasn’t my favorite place to be – honestly, I could think of dozens of places that I’d rather be – but considering it was well past three in the morning, my options were pretty limited.  The only restaurant still open at this hour would be swarming with drunks at this time of night, and […]

No Regrets

The machine let out a mellow chirp- a light-hearted sound that betrayed the gravity of the situation.  Officer Julius W. Young raised a frail, quivering hand over the large transparent button, the light inside now glowing a soft green to let the user know that the chamber was primed and ready. It was such a […]

Murder Limit

The sirens blared, and Frank could feel the strength draining out of his arms.  “Unbelievable,” he muttered, setting the axe down next to the body of his former coworker.  He tried to kick the severed arm back into place, hoping the officer wouldn’t notice if he took no more than a passing glance at the […]