Soul Mate

Dear P,

I’ve never written a letter like this. Never really felt the need to, but what we have is special, and I want to put my feelings to paper, regardless of who may see it in the end.

They will judge us, but I do not care. The things we have experienced together go beyond anything anyone has ever done for me, and I can honestly say that I would be lost without you. If there ever comes a time when we cannot be together in the way in which we have grown accustomed, my life will no longer be worth living, and I will gladly welcome its end.

Whenever I see you, my day brightens. Even catching a glimpse of you sets my heart beating faster, and to be able to caress your soft, smooth skin is sweeter than any heaven I have ever imagined.

Thinking about our special moments always brings a smile to my face. Like that time at the park when we spent all day outside together. We played so hard, and you were so sore the next day you could hardly move. But it was worth it, that feeling of freedom as the sun beat down on us and the warm summer air tickled our skin.

We were careful that day and mostly kept to ourselves, but still that policeman saw us and tried to chase us away. I was scared as we hid behind the bushes, but you loved it. Your excitement was obvious, and I couldn’t wait to get you home.

I remember, too, that night in the theater. We sat in back and were nearly caught in our moment of passion. I had grown bolder by then, less hesitant, and you never wavered for a moment. You were rock solid. I have always loved that about you.

You never seem to shy away from the risks, and whenever I hold you, I feel confident and reassured. I have no doubt people will think I’m ridiculous, but you give me purpose and direction, and I never, ever want to let you go.

A world without you in it would not be a place worth inhabiting. You are my all, my everything, and I put you above all others. You are the driving force in my life, and you have shaped me into the man I am today.

You are my best friend, and I am so thankful that you are my penis.

With all my deepest love,


Larry Jenkins is an aspiring Word Pimp. Has laptop, will travel. Let's make this happen, people.


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