Frozen (Review)

I judge books by their covers and movies by their previews.

Going in to see Frozen, I was leery. Where was there room for a talking snowman in my beloved fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson? Why was a boy saving the day in my girl power tale? Based on the previews, I expected nothing more from the film than a comedic snowman and a boy saves the princess and they live happily ever after love story that only Disney can achieve.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to actually see the movie in the theaters.

But then it released and everywhere I turned I heard nothing but rave reviews. People whose opinions I trusted lauded the movie.

So I gave it a chance.

If you haven’t see Frozen yet, what are you waiting for? Go. Shoo. Stop reading this immediately and get to the theater. I’ll be here when you come back.

Okay, just in case any of you did not take my advice to go watch it, I’ll try to keep this review spoiler free.

The musical score was excellent. The characters burst into song from one minute to the next and the songs told a story. A beautiful story. Idina Menzel killed it as the voice of Elsa. (Seriously, can she sing every part ever? Please?) Kristen Bell did a remarkable job as the voice of Anna.

After watching the movie, seek out some of the behind the scenes footage, watching the two women play off of each other while recording is pretty awesome.

Even beyond the musical numbers, Frozen was spot on. There was character growth. And it was a love story… but the romantic love interests paled next to the true message of the story—love for family and the bond of sisterhood.

I would say more, but it would risk spoiling the movie.

Instead. Go see it. And then bask in the glorious message of the film.

Because even though it veered significantly from Hans Christian Anderson’s tale… it’s still a beautifully told story and worth watching again and again and again.

At the age of six, Eliza was certain of two things. The first was that she had stories to tell. The second was that she had no talent for illustrating them herself. Talent or no, she still wrote and illustrated her first book, one that should be located and locked away if only to prevent her parents from embarrassing her terribly by showing it off alongside baby pictures. Now she spends her days writing stories that she isn't embarrassed to show off after a little bit of polishing.


  • You aren’t even kidding about the rave reviews. Everyone I talk to says it was amazing. I’m glad to see you give it your endorsement, too! Would a six-year-old boy be able to sit through it? Jack and I want to take Ewan (although I think I want to see it more than he does)!

    • Amanda Jaquays says:

      There were definitely several kids in the theater when I saw it. I think there was enough action spaced out through the movie to keep Ewan’s attention. Plus Olaf the talking snowman can probably distract him the rest of the time. I would plan for him being a bit restless during the beginning of the movie, though, as it is a while before the action picks up.

  • Dan O. says:

    Nice to see a family flick that actually is for everybody in the family. Good review Amanda.

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