Tag Archives: self-publishing

Close Enough for Rock & Roll

I have self-published music, comics and my writing. I am not wealthy as a result of it, but I am better for having made the attempts. These attempts were made with the best of intentions but with little heed for what was actually wrong with each of them. We had no producer for the music […]

The satisfaction of the self

Sometimes I call myself an unpublished writer, but that is not technically accurate. I had experienced the thrill of the acceptance letter, the brief realization that my writing was worth something to someone out there. Oh, yes. I was fourteen, and I had considered myself a writer for at least seven years. I kept long, […]

Modern Thinking vs. an Antiquated Notion

I’ve always thought of self-publication as a fallback option. My own plan has always been to pursue the traditional route of sending queries to agents and publication houses, and to only resort to self-publication as a last resort. As time goes by, however, I’m slowly coming to realize that my plan may be faulty. The […]

Self-Publishing Is Not a Shortcut

The publishing landscape has changed. The path to publication isn’t as clear as it used to be. In the past, there were two choices: traditional or vanity. Traditional publishing is every bit as difficult to break into as it used to be, possibly more so. Vanity publishing isn’t called that anymore, and has taken on […]

Make Millions or Mistakes

When I began my quest to become a published writer, I set myself the goal to have a novel published, available for purchase, within ten years. I gave myself ten years because I know I will have to work hard, suffer rejection and the inevitable bouts of crippling self doubt, but also because the book […]